How Can I Gain Weight?

How Can I Gain Weight?
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How often do you see articles on how to lose weight? I am guessing this is on a daily basis, either in magazines or on the television. But for many people losing weight and being overweight is not the problem, in fact they suffer the complete opposite problem, and that is how togain weight.
I grew up always being the skinny kid in class, the one teased and called 'stick insect' (even though I was short in height). It used to really annoy me to see numerous articles in magazines about losing weight, (as if that was the only problem anyone had to endure), when all I desperately wanted was to be a normal weight for my age, and not the 'skinny runt' I was so often accused of being by the kids I went to school with.
Being too thin is not a luxury, it is a horror that is just as traumatic and stressful as being too fat or overweight. It is very frustrating that few magazines or television programmes and documentaries address this very real issue that many people deal with on a daily basis, much like I did.
I spent most of my childhood and teenage years trying to find ways to gain enough weight to be considered 'normal' and stop being called 'feeble' by my fellow pupils at school. I used to break down in tears in bed at night, unable to find a solution and sick of being teased and bullied for being too thin. I knew that a lot of my problem with low weight stemmed from the fact I was not only a very fussy eater and there were not many foods I liked, but also I was someone who only needed four or five mouthfuls of food and I was full. Due to a load of stress in the family with my Father suffering from severe ill health, combined with the bullying I was receiving at school, I burned off what few calories I ingested from stress, (or you could say a high metabolism as a result of stress).
Overweight people (mainly women) seem to be jealous or even resent thin people a lot of the time (although not always), not realising that the 'skinny' and underweight person is just as miserable in an underweight body as they are in an overweight one!
Many people do not realise that statistically it is harder to gain weight than to lose it! I found this out when I did my own research into how I could make myself gain weight to a sensible level where people would not tease me or make cruel and nasty comments about my excessively slim build.
I went through my entire education underweight, as in spite of eating as many fattening foods (such as peanuts) as I could, and going to bed each night with cheese and full fat milk as a snack, my weight varied little. I left high school weighing under 7 stone, (98 pounds or 44.45 kg) at a height of 5' 3" (160cm).
You might as a reader be suffering the same problem, and be equally frustrated by the fact everyone seems to be complaining about being overweight. The media seem to completely focus their attention on those who need, or want to loseweight. No-one appears to take those who need, or want to gain weight, seriously!
Well the good news in my case is that I did ultimately manage to get my weight within my ideal range based on my BMI, (body mass index), although it did take me a number of years, (in fact I was in my thirties when I finally managed to get my weight stable at about the correct level). I achieved this ideal weight based on a number of different lifestyle changes:
1) I started to eat foods I actually liked as opposed to being forced to eat foods I didn't like by my parents.
2) I was happy in my relationship with my boyfriend and this relaxed me enough to actually 'get hungry'.
3) I stopped smoking cigarettes (a habit that I began even when underweight, and this completely destroyed my already small appetite).
4) Later in life, (having by then started taking recreational drugs to improve my appetite), I stopped smoking Cannabis / Marijuana because although at first this appeared to give me an appetite, these effects had worn off the more I smoked, so I actually ended up eating less.
5) I cut down on fizzy alcoholic or non alcoholic drinks because the fizziness and the volume of liquid simply filled me up leaving no room for food.
6) I ate more 'easy to digest' foods such as soups and cereal bars.
7) I ate little and often, (even though the 'experts' seemed to say regular 'spread out' meals were better, I could still only eat small amounts of food if I followed their recommendations, so most of the meal would go into the bin).
8) I chose highly calorific foods whenever possible, but still avoided fatty foods because I simply couldn't bear to have them in my mouth full stop.
10) I started to enjoy cooking as a hobby, and this encouraged me to watch 'appetite whetting' television cookery programmes, and of course have to taste foods I was cooking as they went through the cooking process. Like the expression goes 'Never trust a skinny chef'.
Today (Oct 2011), I am in my early forties, but over the years I have managed to go from a UK size 6, to a UK size 10 in terms of clothing, and I now weigh around the 8 stone mark (51 kg or 112lb), and that is without having had any children (due to internal issues). People compliment me on how much healthier I look, and how my skin and hair have even improved as a result of my weight gain. I feel so much better and more confident than I used to, and this is why I felt it was important that I shared my experiences, and in doing so spread the word that it isn't only people who are overweight who struggle, those who are underweight statistically and surprisingly, struggle even more.... Their plight is largely ignored by the media and dismissed as 'not a large enough problem to be newsworthy'. This is so frustrating for thin people, and it is totally wrong for it to be disregarded. Those of us who have struggled to gain weight need to make others sit up and take notice. Being skinny or thin is just as much of a problem as being fat or overweight, and we still need help to learn how to gain weight when we simply can't bring ourselves to eat, and we feel 'full' after a few mouthfuls. Overweight people appear to have more options, (although they are not necessarily all that safe), e.g. gastric bypasses, stomach staples, gastric bands etc, but what is the equivalent treatment available for a thin person desperate to gain weight whatever it takes?
next The Science of Weight Loss - Fastest Way to Lose Weight
       10 Signs of Weight Gain
        Get Fit and Trim
       How can I reduce bad and severe period pains and cramps?
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How can I reduce bad and severe period pains and cramps?

How can I reduce bad and severe period pains and cramps?

I have written this article as a follow up to my earlier article called 'Severe Period Cramps and Bad Period Pains? Why You Should See Your Doctor'. The reason for this is that so many of the comments in my other article focus on people desperately looking for help to solve their period pains. Many of these women are at the end of their tether and have no idea what else they can do to ease the terrible period cramps (dysmenorrhea) they are having to endure most, (if not all) months.
Now my other article largely focuses on probable medical causes for severe period pain, and why these really should be looked into by a Doctor, e.g. Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts, but before you assume those might be the cause of the extreme period pain, what can you do to try and reduce the period pains to bearable levels that don't leave you doubled up in agony, vomiting, or passing out, most months?
Firstly I would like to point out that few things you can do will completelyremove any discomfort or pain caused by period cramps. At best you might be able to reduce the pain to a level that allows you to function in the workplace, school or at home for the duration the cramping lasts. It is also a mistake to assume that swallowing as many painkillers as you can is the answer, and that if they fail to work there must be a serious medical problem that needs an appointment at A&E. You first need to understand that period cramps are just that 'cramps', and a painkiller alone is fighting a losing battle because at best it can only smother or hide the pain, not remove the cause of it.
I have been answering comments on my first article for several years now, and I suppose it has become a slight frustration to me that I get the same comments daily, and that clearly the commenter in each case has failed to read any of the preceding comments to their own. Usually these comments do take the form of young women begging for help and describing the extent of their pain, and how painkillers of various kinds do not make any difference to their agony.
I naturally want people who have tried all the obvious methods to reduce their period pains, to then go down the routes I suggest in my other article. This is because of what I went through for many years as a result of my own Doctors failing to even suggest further investigations after my enduring years of pain that could have been largely avoided if they had not made the mistake of simply taking my condition at 'face value' (not to mention that the results of the ultimate investigations largely explained my infertility and how surgery could have allowed me to have a baby if I had known earlier what was really happening inside my body).


......there are always going to be many women who simply suffer from bad period cramps and severe period pain, and have no underlying problems such as I had. Any woman suffering from severe period pains should always explore all the obvious solutions before assuming her problem is as serious as mine was, or even worse! In most cases it will most likely be a problem with pain alone, and for young girls new to periods and the associated pains this can be really scary. It is worth noting that many women report the most severe period pains they experienced were in the early years of their periods, and these settled down as their bodies matured.
So, to go to the solutions all women should explore when suffering from period pains, especially those new to periods and the period cramps they are experiencing. These solutions should be tried before rushing off to a Doctor insisting on further investigations, and I urge you to give these a try before worrying or panicking about the level of pain you are going through.
Endometriosis and Other Pelvic Pain
Endometriosis and Other Pelvic Pain
Herbal and dietary therapies for endometriosis, PMS and Period pain are explained in detail by Dr Margaret Taylor in the book ‘Endometriosis and other pelvic pain’. Dr Taylor is a GP who has worked for 20 years combining herbal and dietary therapies with conventional medicine.

Period Pains and Cramps Solutions List

1) Probably the one I mention the most in my other Hubpage article. This is the one thing that saved me from the worst of the agonising pains, and whilst only being available on prescription, Doctors will normally put at least six months worth on one prescription. This is the tablet Mefenamic Acid 500mg, an anti cramp medicationthat actually stops the cramps, and therefore the actual cause of the pain. So many young women on my other article plead with me for help, whilst quoting various tablets they have tried for pain, all of which are painkillers!!! Painkillers are generally fighting a losing battle when it comes to really bad period pains, and it is a bit like trying to put out a fire with a napkin. I have mentioned Mefenamic Acid loads of times as a result of this.
2) Warm baths. A warm bath really does ease the pains associated with your period. It somehow seems to relax all the relevant painful areas in a way a shower simply can't. Take some time to run a nice bath, preferably scented with some essential oils like lavender, and then put aside a good hour to relax and soak.
3) Lavender or Clary Sage essential oils. Again I highly recommend Lavender or Clary Sage oils (these must be 'pure essential oils' if they are to work). Gently massage a small amount on to the painful areas and leave them for your skin to absorb. Lavender and Clary Sage oils are natural painkillers, but Lavender is also a natural sedative so should help you to sleep better in spite of the discomfort.
4) A hot water bottle. Hot water bottles are a Godsend when it comes to period pains. Of course these days they don't have to contain water, and microwavable 'bottles' full of cereal products are just as effective. A hot water bottle held against the abdomen can definitely ease the pain.
5) Evening Primrose Oil. Many women swear by Evening Primrose Oil as a cure for their period pains. I personally cannot say I have ever tried it, but cannot dismiss the fact that many have and many say it works well. Probably easiest to take in a capsule form, as well as being easily available from chemists or pharmacies and health food shops.
6) The Pill. Assuming you aren't trying for a baby the pill can help with period pains by regulating your hormones.
7) Lying in a fetal position with your knees tucked up against your chest can ease the pain caused by period cramps.
8) Mild exercise can help, although that will probably be the last thing you feel like doing. Gentle exercise like walking and swimming will improve the blood supply and should therefore help the cramps to decrease.
9) Acupuncture. Many women swear by this for alleviating period pains. Certainly you have nothing to lose by giving it a try as it has proven to be an effective painkiller for all kinds of painful conditions.
10) Alcohol. A glass or two of your favourite tipple can help to relax you (also thinning the blood), and therefore the cramping tissues will relax too. Give this a try, especially before bed as additionally it will help to get you off to sleep.
11) Massage. Probably more relaxing if someone else does the massaging for you. Concentrate on the lower back and abdomen to ease the pain.
12) Painkillers. I do recommend these in conjunction with other treatments such as Mefenamic Acid tablets, but I also feel the two work best when used together. Painkillers alone rarely solve severe period cramps, probably because it is quite simply asking too much of them.
13) Adjust your diet to include plenty of foods high in zinc, calcium and B vitamins. These should reduce the level of bloating and alleviate the cramps.
14) Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, (yes I know I said before to try a glass of your favourite tipple to ease the pains, but everyone is different, so in some cases alcohol can help and in others it will make the problem worse. You have to do what works for you).
15) Try meditation to control the pain and mentally 'switch it off'. In other words 'talk to your brain and tell it what to do'.
16) Eat plenty of Bananas for their Vitamin B6 content.
17) Eat fresh Pineapples for their bromelain content, (bromelain is an enzyme thought to help relax muscles and therefore possibly help with menstrual cramps).
18) Keep your fluid intake up and drink plenty of water (approx 2 litres per day).
19) Drink herbal teas, of which there are many to choose from. Popular choices include Chamomile, Valerian, Raspberry leaf, Peppermint, Hibiscus (Red Tea) and Red Raspberry.
20) Avoid tampons and try to use sanitary towels instead. This avoids pressure being placed on the cervix as the tampon swells up.
21) Invest in some Magnesium tablets from your local health food shop. The correct dose is between 100 and 200mg taken every 2 hours, but for no longer than 2 days. Magnesium is sold in health food shops as magnesium chelate. 500mg of magnesium chelate contains 100mg of magnesium. You can ingest magnesium through your diet too by eating more green vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrain foods.
22) Vitamin E is also very helpful if taken for a couple of days prior to your period starting, and then for the first few days after the period actually arrives. Apparently it is especially effective for teenagers with painful periods. It may also make your periods lighter than normal in some cases. The correct dose is 400-500 iu of natural Vitamin E taken daily.
23) Zinc (mentioned earlier) can also be taken in tablet form. Do not exceed the recommended dosage though as if you do it can prevent your body absorbing copper, manganese and molybdenum in food, and cause nausea, stomach irritation and fatigue. The recommended dose for period pain is around 40mg of zinc daily for the initial month, then a lower dose of 20mg of zinc daily if it is going to be used on a long term basis. Zinc in tablets can be labelled in different ways, essentially you will want either 220mg of ‘zinc chelate’ twice a day or 20mg of zinc (as chelate) twice a day, this will be made clear on the packaging though, so always double check before you take them.
24) Chasteberry (Vitax Agnus Castus) also helps period pain by increasing the effect of progesterone from the ovary. Apparently it is less likely to be effective if you are on the contraceptive pill as well. The correct does is 1000mg taken each morning. Do not use this if you suspect you may be pregnant.
25) Pernaton Gel is made from New Zealand green lipped mussels and is a wonderful pain reliever for all sorts of different pains. The reviews on this product are amazing, and it is used extensively by people awaiting joint replacements, suffering from Fibromyalgia, neck pains, arthritis etc. I would strongly suggest you give this a try, as although it isn't a cheap product, a little goes a very long way.
26) Iron Tablets. (Thanks to visitor Lyn for this tip). Most women suffer from anaemia which causes large clots and increased total blood volume. This in turn increases pressure on the cervix. Taking iron, (especially during your period) normalises flow so there are no clots and you therefore have a lighter period with no pain as a result. This may help some who have heavy bleeding, and Lyn found it especially helpful during her menopause for controlling her level of tirednes

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Armpit hair on women. Do you love it or hate it?

Armpit hair on women. Do you love it or hate it?

A little while ago I wrote a couple of lighthearted articles called The Top 10 Passion Killers for Men and The Top 10 Passion Killers for Women. Never could I have guessed the amount of comments I would receive on one of the passion killers listed in my top 10 passion killers for men article, and that was 'armpit hair on women'. It seems that there are still a fair few people both male and female, who think there is nothing horrible about hairy armpits on a woman at all, and that any resulting odour is only a natural woman smell. That said, I also received a large amount of comments supporting the idea that armpit hair is not nice, and that it encourages body odour, as well as being very unattractive. This is what has prompted me to write this short article, mainly in order to get a better idea through a poll, of whether the majority of people (male or female) think armpit hair on a woman is nice or nasty. Of course I could simply have added a poll to the original article, but I felt that to do that would detract from the other things on the list it contained, therefore it would be far better to create a new topically focused article instead. Here is the result!

The Case For Armpit Hair

The case for armpit hair on women appears to consist of a few regular statements made by commenters on the subject, (I have say some some of these comments put forward a very doubtful argument and I don't agree with many of them) :
  • Armpit hair is natural and should therefore be left alone
  • Any associated odour is only the 'natural smell of a woman'
  • Women need armpit hair
  • Hairy armpits on a woman are sexy
  • Hairy armpits are a sign of health and confidence
  • Hairy armpits on a woman are a 'turn on' for men
  • Any man refusing a date with a girl because she displays hairy pits is immature and does not deserve a girlfriend
  • Armpit hair is a sign of maturity
  • Women with armpit hair are confident intelligent people
  • Shaving increases the likelihood of developing ingrown hairs

The Case Against Armpit Hair

The case against armpit hair on women as made by commenters consists largely of statements such as:
  • Hairy armpits trap sweat resulting in body odour
  • Armpit hair on ladies looks horrible
  • Men mostly find women with hairy armpits a turn off
  • Hairy armpits look masculine
  • Greek statues of women in antiquity had no pubic hair, suggesting that hairlessness was an ideal of feminine beauty
  • It is part of the Western Culture for women to have shaven armpits
  • "Not many men when they first meet a girl go for the yetti look"
  • It's just part of living in civilised society
  • "I think a woman's armpit area is a very sensual place, and not shaving it takes away from that"
  • "I would not want to be with a woman that looks like she is smuggling Chewbacca (from Star Wars) under her arm."
  • Armpit hair is no longer required because we are gradually evolving and losing our body hair. We no longer need it for warmth because we have clothes
  • Certain religions call for women to be clean shaven
So now you have an idea of the two schools of thought on the subject of armpit hair on women it is your turn to vote on what you think. I hope that over the coming months we will begin to see a general consensus of opinion via the poll results below, and this will give us a far better idea of what the majority think about women with armpit hair. I look forward to seeing the results the polls begin to produce as the days go on, not that it will change the way I operate, I am definitely in the 'hair free armpits' club.
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The Science of Weight Loss - Fastest Way to Lose Weight

The Science of Weight Loss - Fastest Way to Lose Weight

Learn the Science of How to Lose Weight

Everyday millions of people attempt to lose weight, some are successful … many aren’t. For those who try and never make it, the solution can be found in a few simple weight loss tips that can help you find the tools and motivation you need to keep working towards your goal.
Do you know what it takes to lose weight fast? If you want to lose 10 pounds or more and are looking for the best way to lose weight, our proven weight loss tips can help you succeed where other plans have failed. We’re not going to tell you exactly what you have to eat, that’s not a formula for successful weight loss. We’ll give you the information you need so YOU can be in charge of your own weight loss program.
The foundation of a successful weight loss plan is knowing how you gain weight and what it takes to lose it. Every pound of body fat is equivalent to approximately 3,500 calories. A calorie is simply a measure of energy; our body needs fuel, or energy (calories) to process its many functions. Everything from breathing to jogging will require a measure of energy (calories) to use as fuel.
The number of calories your body needs varies depending on three main factors: the amount of physical activity you engage in, your BMR, and the thermic affect of food.

Fastest Way to Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight Fast

How To Lose Weight Fast
How To Lose Weight Fast
The first factor that will influence the number of calories you burn is your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate). Your BMR is the amount of energy (calories) you body needs to function while at rest. Your BMR will account for approximately 60 to 70 percent of the calories your body burns in a day and includes the calories required to keep your heart beating, lungs breathing, body temperature stabilized and kidneys functioning. One of the most accurate formulas for determining your BMR is theHarris-Benedict formula:
Adult male:
66 + (6.3 x body weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)
Adult female:
655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)
(The first number in the formula for women is indeed 655!)

How to Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight Fast
How to Lose Weight Fast

How to Lose Weight

The next item, physical activity, will consume the second largest number of calories. As we mentioned, everything you do will require calories to fuel your body. It doesn’t matter if you’re making your bed, brushing your teeth or running a marathon, you’ll be burning calories. The number of calories you burn as you engage in physical activity will be dependent on your weight, the more you weigh, the more calories or energy it takes to move your body.
The third factor in determining the amount of calories you need in a day is the thermic effect of your food. This is the amount of energy your body uses to digest the food you eat. Our body uses energy to break food down into their basic elements in order to be utilized properly. The number of calories burned digesting food each day can be calculated by multiplying the number of calories consumed by .10 or 10 percent.
Now that we know what a calorie is and how our body utilizes this energy, we need to take a look at how much we actually consume. Our body needs fuel, but what happens if we give it too much? The number of calories you need to maintain your current weight will vary from person to person, and as we’ve seen physical activity, the thermic affect of food and your BMR will all have an impact on the number of calories you need.
Knowing the number of calories your body burns in a day is important. This is a crucial step in learning how to lose weight and keeping it off. Now it’s simply a matter of calculating how many calories you are taking in. If you consume more calories than your body needs, or burns in a day, you’re going to gain weight. If you consume fewer calories, you’ll lose weight. It’s that simple. For every 3,500 calorie deficit you create, you will lose one pound. For example, let’s say you have calculated that you need 2,200 calories each day just to maintain your current weight. If you reduce your daily caloric intake to 1,700 calories, you’ve created a 500 calorie deficit. If you keep this up for a week, you will have created a deficit of 3,500 calories (500 X 7) and this will translate into one pound of lost weight. On the other hand, if you eat more than the 2,200 calories your body needs, you’ll gain a pound for every 3,500 excess calories consumed.
You now know the mechanics of calories in vs. calories out and how that translates into either weight loss or weight gain, or simply maintaining your current weight. Adjusting your intake of calories is an effective way to lose weight, but it’s not the only way. As we’ve already seen, we need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories for every pound of body weight we want to lose. This deficit can also be created, or increased, by expending more energy through increased physical activity.
Incorporating exercise into your daily routine can easily up the amount of calories your body needs and will help create a larger deficit for faster weight loss. Moderate walking can burn approximately 300 calories per hour, low-impact aerobics 350 calories and general circuit training 550.
By combining a healthy low-calorie diet and plenty of physical activity, one can reasonably expect to loose two to three pounds a week by creating a calorie deficit of 1500 calories per day. Most experts advise against losing more than 3 pounds per week, but many weight loss programs have far exceeded this number. In fact, in the first week or two of any diet, it’s not unusual to lose 5 to 10 pounds. Whatever your weight loss goals may be, adjusting your calorie intake and expenditure will result in successful weight loss.

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Metabolic Type and Fat Burning Foods to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast

Metabolic Type and Fat Burning Foods to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast

Fat Burning Foods

News flash: There's no magic pill to make the pounds disappear If you're really ready to fight the Battle of The Bulge, your arsenal needs to include plenty of determination and common sense as well as regular exercise and a healthy eating plan that will work for the long haul. Find your metabolic type and the fat burning foods that will help speed your metabolism in order to lose weight fast.

Are you wondering how to lose weight fast?

Starvation diets, weight loss pills and counting calories or points are not the answer if you want to effectively lose weight and keep it off.

Accelerate Weight Loss With Fat Burning Foods


Metabolic Typing and Fat Burning Foods for Fast Weight Loss!

Wondering how to lose weight fast?  Learn how metabolic typing can help with fat burning foods for fast weight loss.
Wondering how to lose weight fast? Learn how metabolic typing can help with fat burning foods for fast weight loss.

Lose Weight Fast

There are really only 3 basic principles you need to know to lose weight. You can lose weight easily and consistently, week after week by following these 3 basic principles.

3 Principles of Fat Burning Foods

  1. You have to know the exact foods that cause accelerated fat burning in your body.
  2. You have to know the particular foods that are preventing fat burning and many of these are touted as healthy.
  3. You have to know how to combine foods to get the full FAT BURNING EFFECT.


Not just cookies, cakes and candy, but also many foods that are disguised as healthy foods, quickly change to sugar in your body. Foods like orange juice, whole wheat bread, healthy cereals, things designated as low fat, like muffins and salad dressings, the list goes on and on. These are the things that are actually causing you to gain, or at least not lose weight. When these foods hit your system, they turn to sugar. These are the foods that are preventing you from losing fat.
Anyone who is trying to rid stubborn fat off their body needs to regulate their blood sugar. If your blood sugar’s high for a consistent period of time, your body has no choice but to release the hormone called insulin. Insulin signals your body to store fat and that’s exactly what you don’t want. But having high blood sugar for an extended period of time is very dangerous for your body. So, insulin comes in to protect you, but it also makes you store lots of fat. There’s even more bad news. When insulin is released it takes your blood sugar from a high to an extreme low. When your blood sugar is low, you become hungry, you have cravings and you become extremely fatigued.
We all need some insulin in our blood streams, but many people are releasing way too much and that’s why it’s nearly impossible for them to lose any weight. You need to learn how to recognize what foods you can eat to avoid this insulin roller coaster.
Many people associate carbohydrates with sugar, but what you need to know is that not all carbohydrates are created equal and the ones you’re eating, thinking they’re healthy, may be doing you more harm than good. You need carbs to make your body function properly, but there are certain carbs that you absolutely do not need. For example, many people believe the whole wheat bread they’re eating is good for them; definitely not. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Whole wheat bread will create an increase in blood sugar and insulin just as much as most other breads. This also happens with most pastas, even whole wheat ones. Almost all cereals, crackers, even the ones with all kinds of healthy claims. All of them will put you in that fat storing state.
So, which carbs should you eat? If you enjoy bread, there are still a lot of breads you can have. There are breads made from sprouted grains, or from grains like rice and spelt. Other grains to try would be millet and quinoa. Sweet potato with a little butter and cinnamon and most fruits and vegetables all fall into this category of good carbs. In fact, the good fiber, vitamins, minerals and nutrients in most fruits and vegetables will actually help you burn fat faster.

Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

  • It’s impossible to LOSE fat without eating fat
  • Fat does NOT make you Fat
  • Eat Good Fat = Burn Body Fat
  • Eat Bad Fat = Store Body Fat

The principles of fat burning foods also applies to the fats you eat as well. Eating the right kind of fat will help you lose fat! When you give your body the right kind of fat it actually increases the metabolic process to burn off your unwanted fat. Eat the right kind of fat and you will burn fat. Eat the wrong kind of fat and you’ll store fat.

Fats that will cause you to GAIN fat:

  • Hydrogenated Oils
  • Canola Oil
  • Vegetable Oils
  • Margarine
  • Substitute Butters

Fats you MUST eat to LOSE fat:

  • Real Butter
  • Whole Eggs
  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Avocados
  • Raw Nuts

Processed Foods are Enemy #2

Most processed foods contain an incredible amount of sugar. They also contain a lot of chemicals and artificial ingredients that make it almost impossible for your body to burn off fat. It all comes down to how effectively your liver is functioning. You liver has many functions, the two we want to focus on here are the break down of fats and the filtering of harmful substances from the blood. Since it is your liver’s job to break down fat, you want it working at full force. But when your liver is trying it’s hardest to filter out all the harmful substances that are coming in from all those processed foods it has no time or energy for fat breakdown. The easiest solution to make sure that your liver has all the time it needs to breakdown fat is to stop feeding it harmful substances to work on.
So, what are some of those harmful substances? Things like artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils and even processed soy products. It’s the foods that contain these products that are overwhelming your liver and you have to stop eating them. Even if you think you aren’t eating many of these chemicals, they are, unfortunately, in many foods we think are good for us. Give your liver a chance to get into fat burning mode by reducing or eliminating processed foods.
Stick with foods that contain only one ingredient like steak, chicken, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, rice, sweat potatoes, and hundreds of other ingredients can all be combined to create wonderful, healthy meals.


  • You don’t need to count calories
  • The Number of calories DOES NOT MATTER
  • Most people are not eating ENOUGH calories

It’s not the number of calories that matters it’s the quality of food you’re eating and the metabolic enhancing effect on your body that matters. Most people are actually focused on the wrong thing. Just eliminate the bad stuff, the processed foods, and focus on eating the good, healthy foods. You do have to be somewhat reasonable in the amount you eat, but it’s surprisingly a lot more calories than you probably think.
When you go on a diet and severely restrict calories it actually does more harm than good. Your body will hold on to all the bad fat in an effort to protect itself. Calorie restriction may lead your body into starvation mode. That’s when your body thinks you’re dying of starvation and it protects you by holding on to every last bit of fat and every last calorie you have in your body.

Metabolic Typing

Finding your metabolic type will tell you which foods are the best for you to create an ideal fat burning environment in your body. You can use an online questionnaire to help you determine which metabolic type you are. This will help you choose the foods you need to optimize your fat burning.
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