
Diet is the one of the things for  maintain weight balance, as well as your muscle growth for men or women. Make arrangements diet can indeed be a good alternative to health. However, make sure the proper diet because sometimes people make  wrongs diet  and disrupt the body's metabolism,

Avoid carbohydrates. Low-carbohydrate diet does give good results, but it does not mean you should avoid these substances at all, especially if you often do regular exercise. During exercise, the muscles need glycogen from carbohydrates stored in the body to produce energy. 

Too Extreme Sports. The purpose of sports is to burn fat. However, if carried to extremes can be one of the things that actually inhibit the metabolism of the body. Exercise is too diforsir only Avoid carbohydrates.
Low-carbohydrate diet does give good results, but it does not mean you should avoid these substances at all, especially if you often do regular exercise. During exercise, the muscles need glycogen from carbohydrates stored in the body to produce energy. the body lose energy so that the result is not maximal. In addition, the sports movement that constantly performed only cause damage to the muscle.

Wrong Sport hours. Night is not the right time to do sports, because at this time the cells in the body need rest to regenerate. If you exercise at this time, cell regeneration will be inhibited so that your metabolism not run optimally.

ok, in the last  make sure control your diet with your private doctor. Stay healthy and keep spirit to run a healthy diet.