How to Hypnotize Someone Easily - Basic Guidelines on How to Put Someone in a Trance

Knowing how to hypnotize someone easily isn't difficult at all when the person is willing to be hypnotized. However, there are basic guidelines that should be followed nevertheless in order to maximize one's changes of success. If you follow the basic steps, then the rest is easy.
How well a person will respond to hypnosis will depend on several factors including the person's ability to respond to suggestions, their beliefs, expectations, fears and trust in the hypnotist. Once a person agrees to hypnotic induction, their trust should not be betrayed and they should be treated with care and respect because such a person is in a very vulnerable state.
Given below are some simple guidelines on how to hypnotize someone easily. People shouldn't go around hypnotizing people as a matter of habit but should the need arise, you will be well prepared.
Always begin a session by checking with the person to be hypnotized whether they have already undergone such a procedure. If yes, probe a little deeper to find out about the experience in order to have a better idea on how to proceed. If the experience was bad, you should take note and try not to repeat what happened then.
Then, move on to describing the hypnosis procedure and answer forthcoming questions and clarify any points of confusion. In order to build trust, clearly explain to the person that they will remember everything that happens during the session, this way you can also get feedback when the session is over. People need to be given reassurance that nothing untoward will happen during the session and that everything they say will be held in the utmost confidence.
The progression method is one of the most straightforward methods of hypnosis to learn when you want to know how to hypnotize someone easily. Get the person to sit or lie down in the position most comfortable to them, and then dim the lights. Make sure all distractions like telephones, mobile phones, pagers, radio, etc. are all turned off.
Now get the person to close their eyes and think about a happy place that brings memories of security and comfort. Time your voice to the person's breathing, speak slowly in a low, soothing voice. Make use of repetition of words to get the person to relax.
Gradually instruct your subject to relax their entire body from head to toe, then move to a sense of deeper relaxation, then even deeper until you put them in a deep sleep. At that point, the subconscious mind will be open for suggestions, and then you can begin the therapy.

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