What Is The 13 Day Diet?

Are you looking for a way to lose weight in a short period of time, without bouncing back to your previous weight? If so, the 13 day diet could be for you.
I will show you how it works, and what a 13 day diet menu looks like.

What Exactly Is It?

The 13 day diet is a highly effective and strictly outlined diet that specifies exactly what you are supposed to eat each of the thirteen days. You are expected to lose between six and fifteen kilograms of fat if you do it correctly.
The basic idea of this diet is to shock your body’s metabolism and force it to change for the better. It might sound too good to be true, but it is claimed that the boosted metabolism will remain for several years. This means that if you eat exactly the same foods as you did before the 13 day diet, your body will not react in the same way anymore. You will have a much easier task than before to keep or reduce body weight.
With that said, it is always better to eat healthy foods. Not only will it facilitate weight loss, but your overall health will be greatly improved as well.
The metabolism can be improved in other ways as well. Thehypothyroidism diet, for example, does this by the use of hormonal supplements.
Word of caution. Once you have followed this diet, you should not do it again for at least another two years. The 13 day metabolism diet is strenuous on your body, and it could potentially cause serious damage if followed too often.

What Does The 13 Day Diet Plan Look Like?

As mentioned earlier, the 13 day diet plan is very strict and it clearly states what to eat each day. You are not allowed to eat or drink anything else, no matter what. Not even a chewing gum!
If you do, you must interrupt the diet at once and not make a new attempt for another six months. If you carry on anyway, even though you have not followed the plan exactly as stated, the expected results will not come.
It is very important that you drink at least two liters of water per day, to prevent dehydration and help the metabolism.
From day 14 and forward, you can start to eat normally again. For best effect it is recommended to eat a well-balanced diet with small shares of sugar and fat, and relatively large shares of protein, vitamins and minerals.
The diet menu looks like this:
1Coffee1 boiled egg, 200g boiled spinach, 1 tomato100g beef, lettuce
2Coffeefat free yogurt, 150g ham100g beef, lettuce, 1 fruit
3Coffee, 1 slice of bread2 eggs, 1 slice of ham, spinach, tomatoboiled celery, 1 tomato, 1 fruit
4Coffee, 1 slice of breadfat free yogurt, 200ml orange juice1 egg, 1 carrot, 100ml cottage cheese
5Coffee, 1 slice of bread150g salmon100g beef, lettuce
6Coffee, 1 slice of bread1 egg, 1 carrot150g chicken breast, lettuce
7CoffeeOnly lots of water!200g lamb cutlets, 1 apple
8Coffee2 eggs, 1 tomato, 200g boiled spinach200g beef, lettuce
9Coffeefat free yogurt, 1 slice of ham200g beef, lettuce
10Coffee, 1 slice of bread2 eggs, 1 slice of ham, lettuceboiled celery, 1 tomato, 1 fruit
11Coffee, 1 slice of breadfat free yogurt, 200ml orange juice1 egg, 1 carrot, 200ml cottage cheese
121 carrot200g salmon with 1 spoon butter200g beef, lettuce
13Coffee, 1 slice of bread2 eggs, 1 carrot250g chicken breast, lettuce
As you can see, the 13 day diet plan is not easy to follow. It takes real commitment to not eat a single thing that is not included in the menu above. Because it is such a hard diet to follow, and since you can’t do it again for another six months if you fail, you must be confident that you have enough motivation to succeed before starting out.
One way to increase motivation is to follow the 13 day metabolism diet together with someone you know. Perhaps you have a partner or friend that is interested to try? Just make sure they fully understand what they are getting themselves into.
If you have decided to give it a try, we strongly recommend that you start off on a Sunday. This will ensure that you only have to endure one weekend with friends and family members eating pizza, hamburgers etcetera.
If you have the support of your family, ask them to refrain from eating such foods the one weekend when you are the most vulnerable. Hopefully, they will respect your wish and help you succeed.

Risks And Discomforts With The 13 Day Metabolism Diet

As you probably understand by now, this diet is very tough on both your body and mind. You will not get enough calories, which on one hand is what will burn the fat, but on the other hand will cause fatigue and irritation.
Two of the risks are that you either give up in the middle of the diet or start to quarrel with friends and colleagues. But perhaps the most serious risk is how your health is affected. The low calorie intake can be harmful if not done properly, and that’s why we recommend that you consult with a medical doctor before giving the 13 day diet a try.
There will also be minor discomforts like bad breath when doing tough diets like this one. The problem is that you are not even allowed to use chewing gums, sobrushing your teeth or using some sort of mouthwash is the only alternatives you have during the thirteen days of hardship.

Further Reading

To learn more about different diets and ways to lose weight, check these books out. They have a ton of valuable information in them that could help you achieve a skinnier body and a better health. Or, you could read the articles here at The Diet Expert.
If you are interested in other easy ways to lose excess fat, the articles aboutlipotropic injections and the African mango diet are worth a read. It could be the easy way you are looking for.
Thank you for your visit, and good luck with the 13 day diet! :)